Artificial Intelligence drives down the time taken to perform a task. It enables multi-tasking and eases the workload for existing resources. AI is springing us into the future and changing the future of business. Today, Artificial Intelligence is influencing several aspects of the world.
This global village is at a point where Artificial Intelligence could jumpstart the economy and increase productivity exponentially. AI operates around the clock without interruption or breaks, and has no downtime. Although experts typically list AI’s ability to free people from repetitive and mundane tasks as a positive, some believe this particular benefit comes with a downside: a loss of skills in people.
Already, AI-and machine learning-enabled technologies are used in medicine, transportation, robotics, science, education, the military, surveillance, finance and its regulation, agriculture, entertainment, retail, customer service and manufacturing.
AI’s use in business organisations enhances the optimization of processes, customer experience and drives efficiency. And beyond the headlines that either peddle hype or fear, AI’s advantages include streamlining, saving time, eliminating biases and automating repetitive tasks.
AI displays a high level of positivism in customer service provision of organisations. The automation of online platforms by incorporating AI helps to assist customers navigate their way when using online platforms, evidently speeding up proceedings of enquiry.
The use of the navigation system when traveling, the communication systems that allow constant communication eluding distance or location as a barrier has been placed as part of the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in digitalization.
The use of robots is supposed to reduce the demand of labour in jobs that are to be physically demanding and hazardous in nature to humans.
A digitalized society encompasses itself with the use of AI. Information that comes from these many sources should be accumulated as fast as could really be expected, and Artificial intelligence just can aggregate data quicker than any human can.
E-commerce is one key point that AI has significantly impacted. Companies like Amazon use AI technology to help customers in their product selection.
So, the belief is that AI will achieve human-level Intelligence, but perhaps not anything soon. Human-level Intelligence allows us to reason, solve problems and make decisions. It requires many cognitive abilities including adaptability, social intelligence and learning from experience. AI already ticks many of these boxes.
Five perceived disadvantages of AI –
- High costs of creation
- Making humans lazy
- Unemployment
- No emotions
- Lacking out of box thinking.
The red flag is that an over-reliance on AI technology could result in the loss of human influence – and a lack of human functioning – in some parts of society. Using AI in healthcare, for example, could result in reduced human empathy and reaso