On June 7, nations across Africa commemorate Africa Border Day, a celebration to foster cooperation, unity, and peaceful coexistence among African countries. This day, instituted by the African Union (AU), highlights the significance of borders in shaping the continent’s political, economic, and social landscapes while promoting the ideals of Pan-Africanism.
Africa’s borders, largely a legacy of colonialism, were drawn during the late 19th and early 20th centuries with little regard for ethnic, cultural, and linguistic divisions. The resulting boundaries have often been sources of conflict and tension.
However, in recent decades, African nations have increasingly recognized the importance of managing these borders cooperatively to enhance regional stability and economic development.
The AU has been instrumental in promoting border cooperation through initiatives such as the African Union Border Programme (AUBP), established in 2007. The AUBP aims to facilitate the peaceful resolution of border disputes, enhance cross-border cooperation, and promote integrated border management.
Africa Border Day is a key component of this initiative, serving as an annual reminder of the continent’s commitment to these goals.
The Director, Policy and Plans, at the Ghana Boundary Commission, Sarah Ekuban in an interview with RGG News stated that the day helps to identify the needs of the communities along the border.
“Part of the commemoration, aside from promoting cross-border cooperation, is to help identify what the needs are in these border communities and help with the development of these border areas,” he said
He said one of the key reasons this day is commemorated is to promote good neighbourliness across the borders.
“Borders are not barriers but bridges. If you live with your neighbour, you can put up a fence, but your relationship across the fence is very important as you live together, and it is key to living in harmony as one people. So also, on the international front, we need to have very good relationships with our neighbours along all our borders; on African Border Day, the key thing is to promote good neighbourliness across the borders. Peace, working together, doing activities together to grow the community,” he opined.